LIVING - July 2007
On many occasions we have noticed
that our Sasquatch friends appear see-through, and seemingly vanish
instantaneously. The Ancient Ones can dematerialize. They are
able to move freely between our three-dimensional, linear reality,
and their world, which exists outside our conventional laws of
physics, in the expanded world of Quantum Physics. In the physical
world we know, they make shelters, forage for food, walk long
distances, eat, sleep, defecate, communicate and make loud growling
sounds. In their extra-dimensional world, life is different. Their
bodies are of a different frequency and therefore their needs
are not the same as when in a three-dimensional, physical environment.
their own words, they have confirmed, they use the refined frequencies
available to them to travel to distant places; they call it Dream
Walking. They do, however, have limitations with respect to distance
and location. For example, they told me they cannot Dream Walk
to Hawaii from the mainland; it is too far away. The particular
group of Wise Ones that I have been introduced to can only remain
out of body for limited periods of time, or they lose their ability
to return to physical matter. This is the best way that I can
explain what they have communicated to me in writing.
There are many other advanced beings who can access the refined
frequencies of light in lighter bodies as well. The Ancient Ones
have told me they are in contact with the Good Star People, who
also know how to live in nearby, and very accessible, parallel
realities. We would like to learn from them how to access those
places too. How can we go there?
There is still so much to understand
and I learn more with each meeting and communication we have.
They write in short phrases and are not profuse in their explanations;
every sentence is succinct, to the point. They answer the question
you ask. The challenge is to find the correct question and to
word it clearly.
Physicists know that in Quantum
Physics electrons can pass through solid matter. Similarly, while
in a quantum state, the Wise Ones have no weight or mass; they
are like a "wave" of energy, or perhaps like an Orb.
Can a human body, with all of its electrons, move through physical
barriers as well? This is what modern scientists are investigating
in advanced laboratories around the world. I believe the dolphins,
and other life forms on Earth such as the Ancient Ones, do it
- so why not humans?
July 8 - 14, 2007
Day One: We arrive at the meeting site in the woods. I notice
some new Rock Art formations that the Wise Ones have left for
us to enjoy. As we sit in circle around the fire, I notice the cicadas*** are
very loud now. It is summertime. They sing and buzz all around
us and yet we cannot see any of them! I write a note to the Medicine
Woman. Angela leaves 2 fruit-filled cakes she made for them on
the picnic table.
As we sink into the silence, I begin to hear the welcoming
signal of the Sasquatch people - two sticks clapping together.
Tap - tap - tap in a rhythm. It stops and starts again, making
sure we know it is them. I mention it to everyone. Jean-Luc nods
in agreement.
AS we sit quietly, I am telepathically speaking to the Medicine
Woman. So far, I don't feel her presence. Does she know we are
here? Has she been watching over our arrival at the Campground?
I don't sense her field of energy around me. I quietly wait, knowing
it is not totally dark yet. 
As I look up, the
clouds are separating and in that moment, a beautiful bright comet
with a wavy tail flies across the sky directly above us. It is
extremely bright in the dark night.
Jean-Luc signals, pointing behind me and I see a twinkling
light just 2 -3 feet off the ground. It slowly circles our group
as we sit around the fire. Everyone sees it. Is it a firefly?
I have seen them here on occasion in the spring, but always in
large numbers flying among the tree tops. During the past 3 times
Jean-Luc and I visited the Sasquatch, we have seen one solitary
light come to greet us when we first arrive. Is it the spirit
of the Sasquatch come to see who we are? This one remains around
us for more than 2 hours.
I hear a strange sound in the woods. It sounds like a big cat
screaming - distant, yet loud. I remember the stories of a large
black cat seen running with the Sasquatch. There are also cougars
in these woods. I have never seen one. Everyone in the group hears
the continuing loud "MEROOOOW". Too fierce for a domestic
cat, and they don't frequent these thick forests.
I speak aloud to the Medicine Woman and all of her family of
Wise Ones. I express my joy at being in their home and my gratitude
for their wisdom and their earthly presence --- their willingness
to be with us.
Then I introduce the group members
and ask each person to silently tell the Medicine Woman and the
Wise Ones about themselves as a way of introduction.
All is silent. After a while I call upon the Sasquatch family
to visit with us. They are cousins of the Wise Ones. They reside
here also. I ask them to join us this night.
Quietness again.
Then it is broken by a nearby loud sound that makes us all jump
! It is a loud growl followed by guttural sounds, that are repeated.
Then the sound becomes soft, a quiet throat-clearing rumble can
be heard. And suddenly loud and insistent again.
All of us stay in our chairs, alert, listening. Whatever it
is, it is only 10 to 12 feet away.
It continues for ten to fifteen minutes. Whoever it is, does
not leave. We sense their presence near us.
The rational mind wants to identify it as a familiar animal.
Cougar? Raccoon? Fox? It is certainly not a small animal. The
voice is too large. I know it is our Sasquatch friends responding
to our call to them. Their growling sounds began right after we
acknowledged them telepathically. I am familiar with their sounds.
I make a mental note to play some Sasquatch sounds to the group
tomorrow, so they can hear the same range of loud and soft communications.
For now, it is time to leave. We have had a full day traveling
from different places and countries.
During the day, the group visits the Heritage Center in town
to listen to the recorded sounds of different animals that live
in the forest. We listen to black bear, cougar and raccoons. None
of the sounds are exactly like what we heard in the night.
Then I play Sasquatch sounds. It is exactly what we heard. All
of us agree. The director of the Center is fascinated by our discussions.
He joins in and at the end of the afternoon tells us he will now
create a Sasquatch corner in the Center for people who come here
and want to learn about them.
night we meet in the woods with my friends Susan and Mike. Susan
prepared a huge bowl of potato salad, 20 bratwurst, homemade rolls
and cookies, homemade pickles, watermelon, iced tea. We make foil-wrapped
packages of fresh vegetables to add to the feast. Delicious aromas
surround us as they cook on the open fire.
It is Helena's birthday, one of our dear group members, and
so we have a birthday cake. Helena sings to the Sasquatch with
her operatic voice that penetrates the woods and encircles us.
Sally shares her amazing art canvases produced by Shona. She gifts
one to Mike and Susan, one to Jean-Luc and I. They are beautifully
colored geometric mandalas.
On top of my note to the Wise Ones, we find some rock shards
that have been worked on; shaped and chipped and that were left
for each us. The group is happy to have these ancient relics.
These can be used as communication rocks with the Wise Ones.

Jean-Luc has his iPod at his side, with the hope of recording
the Sasquatch sounds tonight. I am not sure if that is a good
idea. If they don't want their sounds recorded, they will refrain
from making them in the presence of a recorder.
After dinner, sitting in the dark around the fire, there are
sudden growling sounds again. Jean-Luc moves to find and turn
on the iPod. Mike turns swiftly in his chair and shines his flashlight
in the direction of the noise. Whoever was there, is gone.
Mike is sure he saw someone. Jean-Luc seeing what has happened
leaps up and takes chase with his flashlight. Among other shadows,
he sees a raccoon dragging away the plastic bag full of Susan's
left over baked rolls. The raccoon drops it and runs. Jean-Luc
puts the bag back on the picnic table. No sign of Sasquatch now.
Our one flittering light dances around us and around our van
again, over and over, as if checking everything.
Susan and Mike go to bed in their cabin. We remain for another
hour. All is quiet.
. .
After spending a day at the Lake, we visit the Sasquatch woods
again. There are so many translucent, shining Orbs hovering above
us. It is a perfect night
. pleasantly cool, cloudless, many
stars. As we sit in our circle a cloud surrounds us. We go into a deep silent space. This is what happens when we are
taken Dream Walking with the Wise Ones. We see a very bright ship
in the sky. We remain in this space until 1:00 A.M. As we awaken
from this trance state, something big and swift runs from the
woods, behind Angela toward the picnic table. It is so dark that
we can see nothing, not even each other sitting side by side.
We are relaxed, in a peaceful state of mind and listening with
love in our hearts.
The next day we share our personal telepathic experiences of the
night, including contact with Pushoma, the Sasquatch family and
the E.T. ship.
As I share the wisdom from the Medicine Woman about Birdman,
the group has their own experiences of this extraterrestrial guide
for countless civilizations. They are touched by their own relationship
to and visions of Birdman and the Bird Tribe. This often happens
- As I share the words of the Medicine Woman people receive more
than what I am saying, they receive messages from the Wise Ones
Helena holding her stone chard begins to channel a message
and a song. She goes into the woods to sing to the birds, bees,
and all the animals there. The sounds reverberate through the
forest. Each of us goes spontaneously into a channeling space,
sitting in different parts of the woods, porch and van for privacy
and concentration. The messages are coming in as we open ourselves
to receive for the next 3 hours.
At night, I again invoke into our circle the presence of the
Medicine Woman, the Sasquatch family and the Wise Ones, including
Pushoma. We hear heavy footsteps approaching from the south. We
remain quiet, listening, our hearts beating fast.
Then the footsteps stop. After
a while they begin again, approaching us. This starting and stopping
footstep sounds occurs four times. We stay where we are in total
darkness, and sense we are being evaluated and surrounded by large
hairy people. After a half hour, we hear a beating noise like
a small boulder being hit against a large boulder. The sound repeats
3 times, guaranteeing this is not an accidental noise or the wind
banging something. We are all attentive, and even appreciative
of this greeting in response to our request for contact. We hear
something near the picnic table taking the 2 ripe bananas I left.
Later we find the peels, one on the table, and one on the bench.
Both peels have been removed and the bananas eaten, rather neatly.
Our favorite little light appears flitting around us, the picnic
table and our van. Then a second light appears. They are beautiful
to watch as they circle us in the blackest dark you've ever seen.
Sitting side by side we cannot see each other at all.
Now we hear loud growling again. Jean-Luc turns on his iPod
recorder. We hear footsteps, a scuffling noise near us, behind
me. We also hear the sounds of the deer at the corn feeder across
from us, eating small ears of corn that we left on the ground.
One deer makes its frightened sound that is like a sneeze. Suddenly
there is a growl next to Helena.

Then all is silent. We inexplicably become very sleepy, and
seem to doze off.
All of a sudden I hear Jean-Luc's voice, as if far away asking
"What time is it?"
"Why?" I ask, thinking he is experiencing lost time
or something similar. I locate my flashlight to look at my watch.
It is 11:15 P.M. Looking at the watch reminds me that the Medicine
Woman said we should Dream Walk with her after 11:00 P.M. tonight.
Jean-Luc jumps up. He needs to move and wants to take a walk.
We see his flashlight go off into the darkness. In addition, we
observe a friendly little white light flitting along behind him,
following him, giving us a view of two white lights moving up
and down in the woods.
We settle into a deep meditation for contact, proceeding with
the help of Medicine Woman, to enter the Portal. We experience
the swirling energy, starting at our feet and slowly moving up,
enveloping our bodies. At some point as each of us is ready, we
leave the physical realm and travel with two Wise Ones through
the Sometime Place into their alternate reality. There we meet
with the Medicine Woman and she is happy to welcome us.
... Dematerializing ...
I ask to see the future of Earthling and Sasquatch contact.
I then experience a round room with many Ancient Ones, Sasquatch
and Earth people who appear gentle and wise. We are learning many
things from these Advanced Sasquatch people; how to live in splendor
in their forests and 4th dimensional homes. They know about all
the life forms in the woods. Every growing herb in the forest
has a different nourishing and healing characteristic. We are
even learning about herbs for Dream Walking, dematerializing,
shape shifting, spirit enhancing, voice and sound projecting,
and entering other realities. They seem to recommend mind-enhancing
herbs for "out of body" experiences as a preparation
for entering the "invisible" worlds. If we can overcome
our blocks to these inherent abilities, we can experience them.
We have all the glands, consciousness and active DNA to do it. 
In this way we visit the inner earth people and other beings that
live on planet Earth with us, although unseen by us. The Wise
Ones know these places and these people.
As we visit these places temporarily, I feel the sensation
of being small, in the company of 7 foot Sasquatch and 9 foot
Inner Earth people. They are gentle and loving, beaming their
welcome. Their world is green, lush and peaceful. They are wisely
discerning about who can enter in.
This is just a small part of what I experienced. This Dream
Walking is the kind of communication the Medicine Woman wants
with Earthlings. We can enter their world with them.
Everyone in our group has a profound Dream Walking experience.
As we return to our third dimensional world, there are more grumbling
growls right behind Helena. No one jumps up to run away. We all
hold the space feeling the peace. We acknowledge the presence
of tall Sasquatch around us. They can communicate in numerous
ways, including growls and songs, whistles and imitations of every
animal in the forest. My watch has stopped, a feeling of timelessness.
We depart for our cabins at 12:30 A.M.
Jean-Luc was not able to retrieve any sounds from his iPod.
The line between different realities is blurred in this forest
setting where magical lights and mists of swirling energy take
us into their worlds, affecting the environment around us, changing
physical matter.We will return in October.
*** Cicada is an insect with large eyes, wide apart on the head
and usually transparent, well-veined wings. They are among the
most widely recognized of all insects, mainly due to their large
size and remarkable acoustic talents. Cicadas do not bite or sting,
are benign to humans, and are not considered a pest. Many people
around the world regularly eat cicadas: the female is prized as
it is meatier. Cicadas have been (or are still) eaten in Ancient
Greece, China, Malaysia, Burma, Australia, Latin America and the
Congo. Interestingly, Cicadas are employed in the traditional
medicines of China and Japan for hearing-related matters.
In search of new adventure,
I signed up for Joan's Wise Ones Seminar in July, 2007. Moreover,
the Sasquatch had contacted me telepathically from time to time
ever since I learnt of their reality from Joan, when I attended
one of her other seminars in Hawaii in January 2006.
My longing was to meet them physically in daylight I suppose,
had that happened, I would have learnt very little; whereas relying
on telepathy helped to develop my clairaudient and clairvoyant
talents, not to mention trust.
My trust level and ability to stand my ground was tested in various
One big test was when two
animals (I thought later they might have been bobcats) decided
to have a fight just behind my chair. I never heard their stealthy
approach, only the loud and sudden growling screeches. For a fleeting
instance I had the idea of leaping out of my chair to go and grab
hold of Joan for safety, but it passed before I had time to move,
so I stayed in my chair near the dying camp fire calm and still.
When I confessed to Joan what I nearly did, she said half light-heartedly,
"The sound of bobcats did not frighten me, because it was
actually the Sasquatch, but you would have scared me!"
Actually there was never any
cause for alarm. I was always perfectly safe. Joan knew this.
Why? Because I was present at the invitation of the Sasquatch.
They protect those they choose as Joan can confirm. My level of
trust rose to such an extent through the week that when I heard
the footsteps in the dark of physical Sasquatch, and the other
sounds they made, I always relaxed immediately. I felt no fear
of them whatsoever, only comforted. I knew that when they were
around neither the fiercest mountain lion nor the largest black
bear would ever harm me.
Meanwhile each of Joan's three
group members received a rock left by the Sasquatch. Mine seems
to be full of their ancient knowledge, which I hope to put into
one of my books. I am downloading it little by little. This will
be a service both to me and the Sasquatch. It will help balance
the "bad press" they so often have about being primitive
wild animals to be feared and shot at, instead of respecting them
for being spiritually advanced and willing to assist humanity
in these challenging times.